93 dollars and 26 cents!?! That is a lot of BLING
O.K. we haven’t had the chance to go out and eat in a couple weeks so instead you get a story about the weird web address.
So now we go back in time!!! Here we go, back in time, do you have your seatbelts on. Don't make me turn this time machine around...
O.K. so on Friday night November 4th a bunch of friends were going to have dinner at Don Pablo’s but because the incessant drawing power of enchiladas we were unable to get a table so our quest for food lead us to the fine establishment of Arby's.

I ordered my usual meal the chicken, bacon, Swiss, and honey mustard sandwich (also known as the cbsahms, try and say that five times fast) with the fries that are curly. Oh curly fries how I love you... So Scott was right behind me and as I moved over and waited with great anticipation Scott stepped up and ordered. He was confident in what he ordered but then he wavered and doubt flashed across his face. I was soon to learn that it had nothing to do with the two slices of pizza he had ordered and everything to do with how he would pay for the meal. Looking in his wallet you could see the strain as he searched for the answer. The plastic looked a little over

Finally Scott's mind was made up he hesitantly look around and pulled a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and handed it to the bewildered cashier. I don’t know if it was the shock of the hundred dollar bill or just the usual adolescent vacant stare. The cashier looked it over and punched it into the register and the amount of Scott’s change came up… $93.25 I was well aware of what was going on and was actually having a hard time standing cause I was laughing so hard, between the vacant stare of the cashier and Scott’s embracement I was having a great time.
Mitch on the other hand was behind us and was very confused as to what Scott had ordered. Mitch sat there trying to quickly scan the menu and find which size roast beef sandwich would bring up such a number. Mitch’s family has a proud tradition of ordering large roast beef sandwiches and was not going to be out done. He stepped up and ordered the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL roast beef with curly fries yet his total was only $42.83. Mitch sunk down dejected and defeated; his father would never forgive him for this. I looked over at Mitch and realized what had just taken place, seeing my fellow man in pain I sprung into action. I knew the truth would relive the problem but would also be pretty boring.

“Mitch have no fear Scott didn’t order a roast beef sandwich he just bought an Arby’s franchise!!!” As I said the words you could see the grief lift from Mitch’s face, shame was gone and Mitch’s spirits were renewed. “Good, I wasn’t that hungry anyway.” Mitch said and with that quickly changed his order to a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL roast beef sandwich.
This was not the end of my problems Nathan who had been just behind Mitch was never be out done when it came to franchises. “NOOOOO!!!” Screamed Nathan. “I WANTED TO BE THE FIRST” and with that he was gone. After

All and all it was a pretty interesting night. All I can say is be careful the next time you head to Arby’s you never know what kind of demons you will unleash. I guess the moral of the story is you better order the cbsahms, all other sandwiches are folly.
Well that is the story others who were there might tell you otherwise but what do they know none of them ordered the cbsahms.
Go get em,
"Mayonnaise taco Monday, it smells like underwear.
Mayonnaise taco...And something over there.
Mayonnaise taco Monday, I put it on the dog.
Mayonnaise taco Monday, it tastes kind of like log.
Borracho, Bilando con tu...esposa.
Mayonnaise taco Monday, you put it in your sleeve.
Mayonnaise taco Monday, it makes me want to, makes me want to, makes me want to heave!"
R. Roper
Jen, I have no idea what you are talking about...
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